10. Accept It!

When a loved one refuses drug rehabilitation, it’s not helpful to be in denial. Even for friends or family members who have not dealt with the addiction, it can be hard to admit that their problems are too severe or dangerous. Although it may not seem like the addict is directly affected, this means that you are acknowledging the problem and preparing yourself to be a support network for them. Although it’s difficult for both sides, it is necessary for the addict to make a recovery. You need to support them.

9. Learn More

Learn more about the most commonly treated addictions and your loved one’s experiences on an educational level. Although every addiction is unique and can be more difficult than you might find online, withdrawal symptoms, as well as other associated aspects, are common to all addictions. This can help you plan for the future, and it can also alert you to any possible overdose signs.

It’s more than just a crucial component to validating your position in an intervention down-the-road. It’s difficult to see the full extent of your loved one’s situation from a third party perspective if you don’t know anything about them. To better understand your loved one’s place in this mess, do some research and learn about the drug or alcohol issues.

8. Assess the Situation

There are many stages of addiction. It can be difficult to find out where your loved one is located. This is a crucial step in determining where your loved one lives. It’s beneficial to determine their current addiction status.

7. Start with the Medical Approach

Addiction can quickly rob someone of their ability to see clearly. Arrange a routine checkup appointment. Tell the doctor about the addiction before you go. This is for several reasons. They will be better equipped to recognize the problem and overcome the excuses of an addict. While doctors will continue to protect the confidentiality of doctor-patient relationships, they may be able to recommend actions for patients. This can prove very helpful. It has been shown that in some cases it can help the addict think clearly when someone other than their family or social circle is able to recognize the issues. It’s a wake up call before they get too far.

6. Stop Enabling

There are ways to stop you from being an instigator if you have been identified by someone outside of yourself. Fear is a human instinct that controls all things. The fear of losing your loved ones to addiction or the loss of their life will make it difficult to provide them with the environment they need. The answer to your question about why or how they use lump sums of money is now clear.

You may have even tried to get advance on your paycheck or pawn things to make additional income. But if you look deep within yourself, you will find that you know something is wrong and that you are financially supporting an addiction. This can be stopped without creating a disturbance. Be non-confrontational and not confrontational. There is a time and place for everything. If they ask you to explain, do so. An addict who feels ganged up on can disappear for days. That’s very worrying. Refuse funding for their vice.

5. Offer Support

Let the addict know, without being too obvious, that you will be there for them regardless of what. It is very easy to have conversations with someone. Keep the topic matter quiet while you both know what’s happening. Avoiding direct language or expressing anger will show them that you aren’t being judgmental and that you want to help.

You may begin to notice positive changes in your behavior after enough of these non-confrontational, timid discussions. You’ve reached a crucial point in your recovery process when an addict truly wants to overcome their addiction. This can make or break a situation. If they respond appropriately and you are still providing support, they may be willing to admit that they have an addiction. This will make it easier for you to communicate with them and help eliminate the need to intervene.

4. If All Else Fails: Don’t Use Guilt

It is easy to confuse the idea of an ultimatum with lecturing or guilting someone addicted into quitting their vice use. You should never try to guilt someone into quitting their addiction. It is not a good idea to use phrases like “How can you do this to me” or any other words that could lead to guilt and/or shame.

3. Encourage Them to be Positive

It’s easy to see if they are being enabled or not, but the bottom line is this: You can help them seek out help, whether they are looking for a therapist or detoxification programs.

2. Analyze

It’s all down to the wire. Our number one goal will be to get your loved one off drugs and give them the care and attention they require. You can assess if your efforts have been successful by looking back at the past few weeks and months.

1. Intervention

We are not talking about the MTV-style of intervention. Statistics show that real, tested interventions which give ultimatums to addicts are the best tools for communicating with loved ones and getting the message out. This is what we have, even though some may call it “tough love”. It was difficult for all involved, and will always be remembered as a crucial point in an addict’s life.

Although it may take some time for emotions to heal, intervention is absolutely necessary to make the right decision. Interventions are not meant to be a punishment but allow family members to voice their grievances and express their emotions in a constructive way. An interventionist can often deliver the best formula to maximize your chances of success. Interventions are meant to force the addict to become a patient. Nobody who is forced to heal by themselves can. Even though it may require some pushing, addicts must be able to enter rehab by their own willpower.

There are many ways to get to the inner person, but there is no one way. Different methods work differently for different people. Intervention has been shown to be the best way to help your loved ones and get them ready for whatever lies ahead, especially if the goal is to get them into one of the many available drug rehab centers around the country.

You are aware that your loved one is in need of help. It’s clear that it is time to intervene. Talk to a treatment provider right away!