hair loss

smokingStress and smoking are both dreaded realities of the modern times. A staggeringly high number of people smoke, especially young adults and teenagers. Stress is an integral part of almost everyone’s life. What kinds of situations stress a person may vary from what others find as stressful but there is no running away from the numerous potential causes of stress.

Stress and smoking contribute to hair loss according to hair loss experts at Regaine. The former has been more researched and is certainly common knowledge today. The latter, the correlation between smoking and hair loss, is still under expansive research but there are already substantiated theories that establish a link.

Stress leads to hair loss in many ways. First, stress has a physical, psychological and emotional impact. It is often dubbed as a silent killer, a name which is also used for diabetes. Stress can cause fatigue, depression, insomnia, paranoia, anxiety and various kinds of health problems. What stress precisely does inside the body, from the strict perspective of human anatomy, is that it leads to the secretion of two hormones, cortisol and noradrenaline. Both these hormones are undesirable in the human body. They serve no great purpose and are only focused on causing harm.

When these two hormones are secreted, they are free agents and move around inside the body. They reach the hair follicles and disrupt the hair growth and repair cycle. The cycle of hair growth has three phases – the growing, the transition and the resting phase. These hormones interfere with the hair in its growth phase and push them to a resting phase. As a result, the hair becomes thinner and eventually falls off due to the abnormality. The only way to counter this is to avoid stress and use Regaine For Men, or if you’re female,Regaine For Women.

The only pleasant news with stress is that the absence of stress may resume the natural hair growth cycle. You should consider using Regaine Foam so the damage of stress is to the minimal on your hair and scalp.

Smoking has a different kind of impact on hair. It also disrupts the hair growth cycle but not through hormones. The nicotine content in cigarettes hampers blood circulation to the follicles. Without adequate oxygen and nutrients at its disposal, the follicles become weaker and naturally they fail to grow strong hair.

You should guard yourself against stress and try to quit smoking if you are experiencing hair loss.